North Avon Speakers is a fun, friendly public speaking club. We meet every first, third and fifth Thursday of the month. Meetings start at 7:15pm and finish by 9:30pm.
Currently via online Zoom meetings The ideal chance to practice the art of public speaking virtually, in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. Contact us as to express your interest in attending and to receive the zoom link in advance.
This is a regular club meeting with prepared speeches, speech evaluations and "table topics" - a chance to practice impromptu speaking.
North Avon Speakers Club is part of Toastmasters International with a proven success rate in helping people to develop public speaking, presentation and leadership skills through their worldwide network of clubs. In more normal times we meet at the BAWA club, Filton.
Why join a public speaking club?
How do I find out more?
The best way to find out if North Avon Speakers is right for you is to come along to one of our meetings. Guests are always very welcome and chances are you won’t be the only new face.
You won’t be expected to speak so don’t worry, but if you do want to there will be ample opportunity for you to do so.
Contact us If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of the organisers of this group, or just send an email to
Typical Meeting Agenda
7:15 Doors Open - Meet & Greet 7:30 Welcome and introductions 7.35 Ice Breaker 7:45 Prepared Speeches 8:20 Feedback for speakers 8:30 Break 8:50 Table Topics (impromptu speeches of 1-2 minutes each) 9:10 Feedback for speakers and evaluators 9:25 Awards and Announcements 9.30 Meeting close
Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organisation that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of promoting communication, public speaking, and leadership skills. The organisation has more than 352,000 memberships. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 16,400 clubs in 141 countries.
Checkout our Meetup for details on our next meetings!